Orders across Ukraine are delivered by Nova Poshta company. Delivery takes 1-2 days.
Goods are sent in 1-2 business days after receipt of the payment by the store.
Goods are not to be sent on Sunday and holidays.
Delivery cost is paid by the recipient, according to the carrier's tariffs. To calculate the average delivery cost by Nova Poshta company please visit the website:
After sending an order, you will receive a CMR note number (consignment note), which you will be able to track the parcel with.

Worldwide shipping is made by DHL company.
Goods are sent during 2-3 working days after receipt of the payment by the store.
Goods are not to be sent on Sundays and holidays.
Delivery cost is calculated by the shipping company and depends on the volume and weight of the parcel.
Delivery cost is paid for in advance together with goods.
After sending an order, you will receive a CMR note number (consignment note), which you will be able to track the parcel with.

The consumer has the right to return goods of proper quality to the seller who sold it, if the goods have not been satisfied by form, dimensions, design, color, size.
The consumer has the right to exchange goods of inappropriate quality for similar goods without defect, if there are available, or choose another goods from the assortment for the same amount.
The consumer has the right to exchange or return for fourteen days, if a document confirming the purchase is available, saving the marketable state of the goods and all tags.
Expenses on delivery of exchange and return of goods of good quality bears the buyer.

Not applicable for return:
· Goods that were in use
· Goods that were used for photos/videos
· Goods without document confirming purchase
· Goods that were delivered outside the territory of Ukraine
(International delivery)
· Goods that have been manufactured at the pre-order

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